Well, as I wrap up the year 2010, I thought it was time to join the technology revolution and have my own Blog page. I'm living in California again...loving the weather, staying in touch with "old" friends, and so grateful for the opportunity to get out and see things, go places, and reminisce with family and friends who come to visit. I do better talking to people in person than I do on the phone...everybody sounds the same on the phone these days so it's great to see people in person.
Here are a few highlights from this past year.
Christmas 2009
Too many presents! I have a lap full of presents AND a dog!
January 2010
The Bayly's come to celebrate my 97th birthday...along with the dog, Mr. Big!
February 2010
Celebrating Valentine's Day with a special brunch and a Mimosa! That's LIVING!
March 2010
Here's Carl...my five year old Great Grandson...we're "dining" together!
Yup! Barbara's got me busy coloring eggs. SOMEBODY has to help the Easter Bunny!
April 2010
Jim and Katya Preston stop by...had a nice visit with them and did a lot of catching up. They even called in May and wanted Barbara and I to go wine tasting with them but Barbara was working in Wyoming so the wine went "untasted".

Kerry and Brad also made a visit.
Kyle also came to see me, driving all the way up from Los Angeles!
June 2010
Here I am, having Sunday Brunch at the Valley Ford Hotel and Restaurant. My grandson, Brandon, is the owner and chef. He and his wife, Shona, have restored this wonderful old hotel and operate a terrific restaurant...Rocker's Oysterfeller.
In July, Barbara and I took a trip back to Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I got to visit some of my old haunts. We went to Ocean City, walked on the Boardwalk, had ice cream, and visited some of the same places I visited with my family back in the 20s. Even found some of the streets I lived on as a child.
We stayed with my grandson, D.J. and his wife, Janet. Had lots of memorable meals, eating shrimp cocktails, lobster, Bailey's Irish Cream and enjoying visiting with friends.
Another big happening in July was the wedding of my grandson, Brandon Guenther and his new wife, Shona. They asked me to to be the "best man" at the wedding and I was honored to do it. The wedding took place at San Francisco's City Hall...a beautiful building.
After the wedding, Barbara, Brandon, Shona, and I went for a post-wedding brunch, complete with champagne and lobster rolls!
August 2010
I'm learning to play games on the i phone and the i pad. Pretty neat...but can kill a lot of time once you get into it.
My granddaughter, Rachel and her husband, Mike, had a baby boy in August...Here I am (in October) looking at the photos Rachel sent. Guenther Gray is my third great grandchild. Brittany Fischer is my oldest great grandchild...she's 27 years old, working as a graphic artist in Carmel, CA. Carl Schubert is next at age 5, and now there's Guenther.
September 2010 and Fall is in the air and on the table...along with Leo, the cat, and Mr. Big, the dog.
Barbara makes me "sing for my supper" so here I am, practicing my trumpet moves on the instrument Barbara brought back from Japan. Takes a lot of "hot air" to keep this music coming!
October, 2010 and the dishes change with the season. Helps me know what month it is!
I have my own Haunted House and finger puppets...each morning, the cat and I play with the spiders, ghosts, and puppets. Sometimes I win, but most of the time, the cat wins, grabbing something from the house and leaping off the table with it in his mouth!
Carl LOVES Halloween. He came over after school to make me some spider cookies. (He's pretty tickled that I'm afraid of spider cookies!)
Here are a few more Halloween "treats" we had after Trick or Treating was over for the night.
November 2010 and a Thanksgiving Feast! We had roast turkey, honeybaked ham, smoked turkey, plus lots of vegetarian options.
And so goes another Thanksgiving!
December 2010 and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! There are four trees set up...a green tree, a white tree, a feather tree, and MY TREE! I had to pick out the decorations I wanted on my tree...balls, toy soldiers, snowmen and santas...and then I decorated it and it's in my room, lit up every morning and every evening.
With decorations EVERYWHERE, even the cat has trouble finding a place to "perch".
Thanks to all my friends who have taken the time to send me cards and continue to keep in touch with phone calls and e-mails...Bruce Horan from Lincoln, CA, Pat and Frank Aikins from Paradise...just to name a few.